Six Steps to a Kick-Ass Pop-Up


As the world of bricks-and-mortar retail opens up again after it's intermittent hibernation pop-up shops, bars & restaurants are set to come back with a bang but brands need to get creative as consumer habits change and customers become more demanding.

One way for brands to stand out is by focusing more on pop-ups.

Pop-ups are a really useful vehicle for brands, whether you're a small startup testing the waters with a new product or a fully fledged brand with a plan to broaden your customer base but get the basics wrong and you're in for a damp squib instead of a sales explosion.

Here we look at six areas you need to get right including some post pandemic pointers but the golden nugget of advice we can give you is to approach it like you're organising an event as opposed to opening a shop.

Set Measurable Goals

Your goal for your pop-up will help to inform all of your decisions at the planning stage and after your pop-up has run it’s course you need to be able to assess the effectiveness of your venture. Some typical are to:

  • Drive sales

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Engage with customers in a more meaningful way

  • Test a new location

  • Launch a new product or brand

  • Sell discounted (out-of-season) products

  • Whatever your goal is, define it and keep it front and centre when considering the following


Based on the goals you've set your next step will be selecting the right space. It sounds obvious but doesn’t make your pop-up hard to find.

  • The cost of renting a physical space will be one of the biggest outlays you'll make so location choice is something that needs serious thought.

  • Look for a busy location that attracts lots of foot traffic in your target market. This saves you the work of driving all of your store traffic yourself.

  • The most popular spaces for pop-ups are vacant high street shops, shopping centres, gallery / event spaces & pop-ins (a shop within a shop based on collaboration between two brands).

  • That said, there has been a growing trend during the pandemic for pop-ups to locate in the suburbs. Whether this trend continues or not will depend on where the workforce spends their 9 to 5 post pandemic.

  • You also need to be in an area that fits your brand. That means an area with the right retailers and businesses nearby.

  • Has the area or particular space hosted any pop-ups in the past and were they successful?

  • Think about parking and access to public transport.

  • Wi-Fi is a must. You'll need an internet connection to accept credit card payments and if your space is instagrammable, your customers will want to share photos. Display your Wi-Fi password on signage and on your social platforms so people can quickly get online.

  • Check with local authorities to see if any road works or major building works ar planned for the area as this could have an impact on footfall

  • Think outside the box – maybe a mobile pop-up in a converted bus is more suited to your objective than a high street shop space.

The Legals

Do the paperwork.

  • If you're renting a retail space read your lease agreement so you know what's allowed and what's not.

  • If you plan a mobile pop-up then contact local authorities and obtain the relevant permits before you open your doors.

  • Check with your business insurance provider in case you need any special cover.

Design + Layout

We know a thing or two about this aspect! A well-designed pop-up creates a positive customer experience and increases shareability.

  • Refer to your lease agreement so that you're clear on what you can and can't do when customizing your space.

  • The look and feel of your pop-up should reflect your brand but you also have an opportunity to create something unique and innovative and if you do you'll create a lasting impact.

  • Ensure the exterior is eye catching. Check with the agent or owner about what exterior signage is allowed and a bold exterior paint job will let everyone know you're there.

  • If there's some action going on outside, even better. You might have a coffee or ice cream machine located outside, visible to passers-by, dishing out treats and creating an atmosphere and building a buzz.

  • If you're open at night ensure you allow for lighting the exterior of the building. If you've got an outdoor sign it needs to be lit.

  • Regardless of your opening hours, good interior lighting is crucial. Choose your light fixtures and use them at strategic points throughout your pop-up. Every design decision can help to create a memorable environment that should underscore your pop-up's look & feel.

  • Create a layout that suits the shape and size of your space and guides customers through the experience, with your most important products or messages in key areas.

  • Think right. 90% of customers turn right on entering a shop so that right side wall should showcase your most important products or promotions.

  • Make it shareable. The best pop-ups get people talking and leave a lasting impression. Think about a selfie space with a photo backdrop and props.

  • Think about storage – will you need to design storage areas into your space?

  • Check out other pop-ups to understand what works and what doesn't.

  • Even as stores reopen and the pandemic abates, health + safety is still a major priority for shoppers. Ensure your layout design allows for ample space to allow for social distancing.

Promoting Your Pop-Up

Awareness is so important - it’s never too early to start making noise about your pop-up. Create a sense of urgency and dial up the FOMO!


  • Reach out to press. National newspapers may have a bigger readership but local papers will often be more inclined to offer you coverage if they know you can provide their readers with valuable happenings in their area.

  • Give the media enough advance warning about your launch to give them time to write a story. Aim for 2 months for local print and 2 weeks for online media.

  • Reach out to key influencers and bloggers. Set aside some budget to offer them free products in advance of your launch or a discount code they can share with their followers.

  • Use your social media channels to build a buzz with your followers. Share behind-the-scenes content during the pop-up build. Using social media also allows your followers to ask questions about the pop-up to get the conversation going.

  • Create a hashtag for your pop-up. A clever hashtag can get customers talking and spreading the word.

  • Set up a Facebook event page where you can announce pre-launch and day-of promotions.

  • Email marketing. If you've got subscribers let them know about your upcoming launch.

  • Don't forget traditional marketing. We've already mentioned print media but local radio ads also help to increase awareness.

  • Because pop-up shops are local events, printed flyers in highly trafficked areas are extremely effective.


  • Use your social media channels to keep your followers informed.

  • Run a competition to build the buzz.

  • Give away swag. Everyone loves free stuff.

  • Run an event. This can be a great way to mobilize your customers and deliver impactful experiences.

  • Sounds. Ensure that your playlist suits the mood of your pop-up.


  • Don't let the conversation end once the pop-up has finished. Share throwback photos/videos of the experience.

  • Share user-generated content of the experience. Professional shots are great but studies have shown that two-thirds of shoppers prefer real customer photos of brands.

  • Use your point-of-sale to gather email addresses and create targeted social media campaigns to drive online sales.

The Post Pandemic Pop Up

The pandemic will have a lasting impact on shopper behavior and there are some key areas you’ll want to consider to ensure a safe and convenient pop-up experience.

  • Implement Covid safety measures, ensure your staff are up to speed and let your customers know they're in for a safe shopping experience

  • Set up a click and collect system and let customers know it’s available

  • Use contactless payments. Cash payments have plummeted during the pandemic and the vast majority of people are more comfortable with tapping

  • Use appointment shopping to reduce the number of people in your pop-up at any one time

  • Brands are recognizing the increasing importance of sustainability, both from a business perspective and because of growing customer awareness. Use the pop-up to trumpet your sustainability credentials

  • Forget about the checkout and use QR codes instead. Shoppers can use their smartphone to scan a code and complete their purchase online via their mobile devices

The road to recovery will be a long one and in such an unstable climate, pop-ups are a localised, nimble and flexible tool for brands but with some customers still apprehensive to return to physical shopping, brands will have to get creative and provide a memorable in-store customer experience in order to compete with the world of online.